This is a super cute Valentine idea – it’s like a scratch-off lotto ticket, but your pup would lick to reveal their prize! My boxer, Benny, enjoyed licking the peanut butter to reveal his prize and getting to pick out a new toy. It was a really sweet Valentine for my dog 🙂
Creating your own Valentine Day’s “scratcher” is really simple to do! Just get my free printable (see below), and laminate it or put it inside a plastic storage bag. Then, spread peanut butter (please make sure it doesn’t contain Xylitol) or cheese product for dogs over the squares and let your dog lick to reveal their Valentine’s Day present!
Get a FREE Valentine for your Dog
Just drop your email address below and I’ll send you this fun printable right away!
The FREE download includes 4 versions (on 3 pages) and directions:
- Large format – fits in gallon-sized storage bag
- Blank large format – you can write in your own prizes!
- Small format – perfect for smaller dogs, it fits in a sandwich-sized storage bag
- Blank small format – great for cats or to write in your own prizes for your pooch!

Create Your Own
I created a “blank” version of my Valentine for dogs (or cats!) so you can write in special gifts for your pet. You can put in a fun playdate with a friend, their favorite meal/treat, or something else that you know your pooch will love!
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